How To Be Popular
Posted by Unknown
6:21 PM
High School,
Young Adult
What do all popular people have in common?
Do they all wear the same clothes?
Have the same hair?
Say the same things?
Of course not.
There are popular people all over the world, enjoying their social status at school, work, and wherever they go. They don't all look or act like each other, but they do all share one very crucial characteristic: people skills. Maybe they were born with them, or maybe they learned them from their family; however, they got them, they have them, and maybe you feel like you don't.
Here's how to develop your people skills and start being the popular kid around your school!
Do they all wear the same clothes?
Have the same hair?
Say the same things?
Of course not.
There are popular people all over the world, enjoying their social status at school, work, and wherever they go. They don't all look or act like each other, but they do all share one very crucial characteristic: people skills. Maybe they were born with them, or maybe they learned them from their family; however, they got them, they have them, and maybe you feel like you don't.
Here's how to develop your people skills and start being the popular kid around your school!
1. Make
a good first impression on everybody you meet. First impressions can make you or break you and you want
every person you meet to remember you, in a good way. Remember you only get
one chance to make a first impression.
- If the person holds out his/her
hand to shake, be sure your grip is firm and strong. If your shake is weak, the
person will sense your nervousness and question your power.
- Make eye contact. Don't look at the floor.
Again, the person will sense that you are insecure.
- Smile! You want to come off as
friendly, don't you? If your teeth aren't exactly white, invest in some
whitening strips. If they aren't as straight as they could be, ask your
orthodontist about braces. Once you get them off, your smile will be
- Good posture is important. The way you hold yourself
also gives off a lot about you. If you slouch your shoulders, you won't
look like the most welcoming girl. Make a habit of good poise. Shoulders
back, stomach in, and chin tilted up slightly.
- All ears. Pay attention to what the
other person is saying. Don't concentrate on yourself so much that you
don't catch the person's name. Most popular girls are depicted as people
who only brag about themselves but this is not true.
- Speak clearly. No mumbling! When it's your turn to speak, talk loudly and clearly, but don't shout. You don't want to scare them off.
2. Become
friends with the 'popular' girls. Try
to hang out with them for a while. Make sure to be polite to them.
3. You
can realize what's happening in the "in" crowd and pick up on slang. You don't want to finally get in
and when the most popular girl says something, you have no clue what she is
talking about.
4. Change
is good. Remember who you are in the making
of this change. Get used to the idea that you and your friends' bodies and
minds are constantly changing! Make an effort to stay in style. Try wearing
makeup, or making a signature accessory. One thing to remember - in girl world,
if boys like you, or talk to you, you will become popular. So, girl world doesn't revolve around just girls,or does
it? People say "Don't change and just be yourself," and this is true, but be your best self. Take it one
step at a time, and build your confidence. Popular people are social and very
5. Notice
that there's many ways to change.
You could change your dressing style, or become outgoing instead of shy, but
NEVER change something big like your morals just to be popular.
6. Listen
more than you talk.
People will want to be around someone who flatters their ego more than a
chatterbox, who stalks them. You can't listen with your mouth open. Ask them
questions, but not enough to sound like a stalker. People love a person who
takes the time to find more about them. I mean, what's not to like about a
person who likes you?
7. Don’t Get too Cocky Make sure you don't get cocky and seem full of yourself.
8. Find
the the most popular trio of the school and get to be close friends with them. This trio should include the most
popular girl in school. Then start your own trio with 2 other girls who are
potentially popular while hanging out with your old trio. From that, you have
the potential to become the most popular girl in school, which means you should
start living up to your own potential.
9. Don't
be stupid. Be empathetic. They know when
someone needs a smiling friend, a compliment, a hug,
and know exactly how the other person is feeling. They start casual
conversations. It's okay to be shy and have nerdy tendencies, but if you want
to be popular, you have to smile, start conversations, and relate to people at
their own level. That means talk about what the other person is interested in.
Don't get the idea that you are shy or withdrawing. Realize that you are
constantly changing, and that you are developing your social skills to the
point where you could relate to all people. You have the "right" to
change and grow.
10. Make
sure you're always feeling and smelling great. Odor isn't pleasant at all, and unpleasant smells can be
prevented easily by layering fragrances and keeping a bottle of perfume in your
bag. Also keep sprays in a bag and spray lightly after every lesson, and extra
for break and lunch. DON'T drench yourself though, a light fragrance is way
better than a strong smell. Use great smelling hair products too, like shampoo
and conditioner or hairspray... etc.
11. Always
keep in mind the definition of popular: many people consider you a
friend/admire you.
Have you ever noticed that people who are friends with everyone, and all sorts
of people are generally liked more, and more sought after, than
"popular" kids? This is because they judge on more than appearances.
People are much less intimidated by someone who is friends with a variety of
people and doesn't put anyone less lovely than themselves down. If some are not
friends with you, don't let it keep you down, true popular girls should always
try to look on the bright side.
12. Be confident. Stop thinking you are ugly or that you aren't cool enough.
Everyone is either beautiful on the inside, outside, or both. Be comfortable
with that! Think of your qualities for a while. You're cool through them. Just
believe in yourself and let people know the real you. Also, to be confident wake up every morning and tell yourself how pretty you are.
It may sound conceited but it is a great way to start the day. Nobody will
believe you're beautiful if you don't.
13. Take
care of yourself.
This doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself. Rather, try to get into shape.
Eating healthy and exercising everyday is important and effective; so is
staying clean with good hygiene. Drinking
plenty of water
can help your skin look great and improve your overall health. If you get to
the point where you feel good about your body and the great shape you keep it
in, others will see that. Try Yoga, swimming or aerobic dancing.
14. Get
your own clothes sense figured out. It’s no secret that style can get you far in the girl
world. Go through your wardrobe and pick out what fits your style. You don't
have to go over the top. Basically, shop EVERYWHERE. It doesn't matter what
brand it is. If it's cute, buy it, and maybe pick up a few other ones in the
other colors. Check out fashion magazines, and study how outfits are made, and
how they turn fashionable and gorgeous. It's also great to develop
your own unique style,
adding individual touches that are really you, instead of copying everybody
else. Be unique. Accessories like earrings, belts, bags, etc. can do
wonders.(You can get some really unique pieces from H&M and Forever 21.)
Don't wear clothes that make you feel uncomfortable-you won't pull it off. Shop
at expensive stores like Coach and Juicy Couture and other things like that and
get some cute pieces that will stand out.
15. Take
your hair for a ride.
While not essential, a change to your hair could be just the wake-up call you
need to feel confident and get out there as a popular girl. As with everything
else, make sure your hair is well-groomed and taken care of as often as
possible. Shower every day, wash your hair at least 3-4 times a week, and
condition (from the middle of the hair down). Get a comb and make it silky by
brushing it! The smaller the comb the less knots! Also, spend extra time on
your hair in the morning. But be proud of your natural hair color and texture.
You don't need to spend hours in the morning on your hair. Instead, if your hair
is very thick and poofy, you should consider getting in thinned out in the hair
salon, so that when you hop out of the shower, your hair doesn't become a poofy
mess! Side bangs work great too, and are pretty easy to take care of once you
get used to them. They're versatile, cute, and stylish. If you don't have time
to iron your bang in some mornings, simply clip it back or push it back with a
thin headband. There are lots of cute ways to style your hair, but here's a few
1. Don't use heat on your hair too
often...but straightening it about twice a week is fine. Or, you can curl the
ends and wear a cute accessory! A side part is always flattering, and you can
clip the side with less hair back for a quick simple look.
2. Everyone should know 100 strokes a
day isn't true! If you brush it everyday 100 times your hair will break off, be
dull, and get split ends!
3. Use good shampoos, like Herbal
Essences, Loreal, Pantene and remember that conditioner is VERY IMPORTANT.
After washing, dab your hair lightly with a towel and apply some serum. This
will make your hair shiny and smooth.
4. Never straighten your hair when it's
wet, you don't want your hair to fry and break off.
16. Apply makeup carefully if you like putting on
makeup. You don't really need makeup but
putting it on could make a big boost in your confidence. While most popular
girls wear makeup, it’s important to be tasteful about it. You really want
people to think you're not wearing any makeup at all. Makeup can help you to
emphasize things you like about your appearance, and draw attention away from
things you don’t. Be sure to blend your makeup so it will not stand out and
that way it will look natural. Concealer, mascara, lip gloss, and maybe some
eyeshadow or liner, are all you need. Carry these things around with you in a
cute bag for touch-ups. However, powder and mascara don't need to be touched up
because you can carry blotter paper with you to take care of oil. You should
always remember that there are quite a few popular girls who wear no makeup,
and are still gorgeous. Don't wear garish or over done makeup; it screams
desperate. Use a lot of natural light for your makeup. Never emphasize your
eyes AND lips.
17. Be
outgoing. Being shy won’t win you any new
friends. You’re going to have to get out there and talk to people. You cannot
be afraid to talk to others. Whether it’s chatting up to popular girls in class
or at lunch, getting yourself invited to the hottest parties, getting the best
grade on tests or winning an athletic contest, make your name known. Everybody
needs to know who you are. Like people and show it. Be friendly and interested
in people, and many of them will like you back. You don't win popularity by
hiding in the corner or expecting people to approach you and suddenly
appreciate you for the true gem you are. If you're shy, make friends with really outgoing people. They will encourage you to
talk to other people, and soon it will be easy for you. Make sure to talk about
things that other people are interested in. People are really passionate about
talking about their interests.(Be yourself) If you're the humorous type, throw in a joke now and then,
but only when the time is right. You'll look stupid if you joke around at the
wrong time.
18. Know
the guys. If you want to be popular, you
can't just be friends with the popular girls. Talk to the popular guys and
don't be afraid. Guys love it when a girl comes up to them and starts talking
to them. Also, be flirty. This can prove for a fun conversation. Do this more
often, and try to in the end have almost as many popular guy friends as popular
girl friends. Remember, to be popular, you have to know all the popular girls,
and guys have to like to be around you. That can't really be accomplished if
you don't have any guy friends.
19. Get
involved. Popular girls are usually
well-rounded, and comfortable in almost every sphere of the school. Join a
sports team or club. This will help you to meet many new people and establish
you in the school. Be sure to do something you actually like, as people can
tell when you’re faking. No one likes someone who does a sport or club just to be popular. Try to do an after school activity every day if possible.
Let people know the real you!
20. Don't
try too hard.
Don't think that if you do a certain thing, they will like you. You must try
some of their ideas, and their tips. Make a list of goals for yourself to do.
If you truly want to get rid of any rep. than work at it. Set a goal, work hard
and people will notice.
21. Know
what your body language is telling people. For instance, when you cross your arms your body language
can give the impression, "Don't bug me." Another example is slouching
- a sign that says, "I don't feel I'm very important." Positive body
language is all about how you feel about yourself and how you make others feel.
The most popular people in school or at a party usually know how to make
everyone else feel good by using plenty of positives gestures like nods, eye
contact and, most important of all, a sparkling, warm smile.
People think you aren't happy without a smile. Don't cross your arms, since
it's a sign of : Don't Bug Me. Be friendly, like people, and many of them
will like you back.
22. Seek
opportunities to socialize.
Even if it's just walking from one class to another, find someone that has the
same schedule as you do so that you can walk and talk. If you really feel like
doing something will benefit you, ask a friend to do it with you.
23. Develop
relationships. As you
begin to meet people, don’t just treat them as items on a checklist. Find out
what they like to do, their interests, and learn about them as people. You’re
trying to make friends, not just be known. Also, be sure
to keep in touch with your old friends—you don’t want them to think you’ve
forgotten about them just because you’re making new ones. Don’t exclude anyone.
Join clubs of things that interest you like drama or debate.
24. Study
hard if you want to be noticed.
Being popular doesn’t mean being "stupid". Participate in class, do
your homework, and don’t be afraid to be known as a "smart" girl.
Just be sure you leave plenty of time for social activities. Let people know
that academics/sports are important to you, but are not your entire life. Show
them you know how to be playful and relaxed.
25. Don’t
believe the hype.
You don’t have to be mean/rude/snotty to be popular. It is the worst thing you
can do! You can be friends with whom ever you want. That’s what being popular
is. Stay true to the things that are most important to you, and the rest will
come with ease.
26. Stick
to your values and morals.
That is what matters most. You may be a 15 minute celebrity, but it is better
when you are respected for who you are. Keep it clean, get good grades, and
help others, and then you will shine for the true you and not a shallow type.
Be a great leader and many people will follow.
27. Never
dump your old friends for the popular crowd. You can spend more time with your new popular friends, but
try to make time for old friends too because they really are your true friends
who like you for who you are. If your old friends start becoming mean to you,
ask why. Maybe their feelings are hurt. But stop hanging around anyone who puts
you down all the time.
28. Admit
that you have flaws, once you do that try to fix those. Laugh at yourself. Hey, nobody's
29. Be
nice. If you're nice, more and more
people will like you and don't act like your better than anyone. Being mean
might get you popular, but with wrong group, and being known as mean girl
doesn't get you real popularity.
30. Have
self respect. People
respect others if they respect themselves.Be cool
31. Sometimes,
playing innocent helps.
Let's face it, being popular will definitely make you lots of new friends, but
it will also probably lead to a few jealous stares. If a so-called
"friend" makes a nasty comment, laugh it off, pretend that it wasn't
hurtful at all, and be bubbly. Others will see this and appreciate the fact
that you can laugh at yourself. Act like you enjoyed the comment and as if
someone were telling you an actual joke. Above all, never cry or get upset. If
you do, you're giving that girl the satisfaction of bring you down a notch.
It's okay to stop hanging around that girl, but don't make it obvious. Always
be polite, calm, mature and sweet, and don't spread gossip or isolate her to
get revenge. You don't want to be viewed as the villain, you want people to love how perfect and idealistic you are...think sweet, a touch
of innocence, smart, funny, striking, charming, outgoing, and bubbly.
32. Be
yourself. Being popular doesn't have to be
about being like everyone. Don't go out of your way to go against people.
33. Always
be the life of the party.
You always need to be fun, or you will be boring. Other people will think so
too, and they won't hang out with you. But careful with your drinks during
party, keep them with you all the time.
34. Don't
boast too often This will get people quite annoyed and make them feel that
you're trying to be better than them. Be quite modest, and for example if you're getting lots of
comments on your 'page', never boast about your popularity. Just pretend every
thing's normal and going at a good pace. And also don't care too much about how
many comments you have anyway!
35. Use
MSN if you are allowed to use it.
Stay nice on msn and if you have a webcam and so does your chat friend then use
them-they are a great way to show off your home clothes a bit and to look more
normal than you do at school. Also, if you have boys' emails then chat to them
on msn as you don't just want to be popular with the girls do you? But
remember: only use it if you are allowed. You don't want to get in trouble do
36. Get
Facebook and Twitter! If you are allowed to. Facebook or Twitter it is a
great way to get in touch with people you know. You have no idea how many
people you will find! Remember, take plenty of pictures and post them right
away. Show that you can make cute camera poses, and have fun with your friends.
Try to get people to view your page, but don't stalk them! Remember to add all
the popular crowd, and if they don't accept you, forget about it! Don't let it
bring you down!
37. Be
there for them. I'm not
saying just help them, help everyone! Like,for example,if they drop their stack
of books, help pick it up. Or if they slip in the wet hallway, lend them a
hand! You want to show them how generous you are.
- Talk
to people and socialize with them; don't leave your friends though!
- Talk
to boys too, and exchange numbers.
- It's
good to be brave, don't be shy! You know you can do it!
- If
there is no popular clique, START YOUR OWN! Nothing better than being the
head, especially if you're nice, people will want to be your friend.
- If
the popular clique won't let you in and is really mean, go with the tip
above! You might be liked more than the 1st one!
- Follow
the golden rule: Treat others in the way you would like to be treated.
- Don't
lie. If you lie, then people will believe that you are hard to trust and
will kick you out of the social group. People trust others who earn their
- Start
something that will bring you attention in a good way not ruin your
reputation. It can be a school achievement(Great grades, win the spelling
bees, be the captain of a sports team). Or try to fund raise or work for a
charity and bring awareness of it into your school.(Breast cancer walk,
Sudan Relief, etc.) Another good idea is to start your own business. Be
creative and think hard how you can make money with your own company.
There are so many ideas! Make cool jewelry and sell it online, become a
party magician or party entertainer,web site design, make gourmet candy or
baked goods, etc. Spend a week brainstorming.
- Remember
those girls you think ignore you are people too; it could be that maybe
they just don't know you. Try to get to know them (take it slow), and give
each other a chance to show who you are inside. Popular kids are usually
too busy (school, sports and after school activities) to take an interest
in absolutely everyone. They just don't have the time! Say ring me to
people and/or if you are not busy enough to be popular.. just stay cool
and try and hang out....:)
- Recognize
that there are all kinds of people that are popular. Not all of the people
that are popular are stereotypical mean girls, most are just outgoing and
- Seek
out friendship with the nicest member of the popular crowd. Be friendly,
not pushy or needy. Usually they can help, but if you pull yourself into
the group too fast, you'll be considered "stalking". Try to find
two of the nicest girls and work on getting them to think you are cool.
Once one of them thinks you are cool, then the others will latch on to
- Get
slowly involved with activities that will keep you as busy as they are.
Pulling all A's, becoming really good at certain sports or helping out
with school projects are good and also attention-getters. Win some awards
or start a new fund raiser for charity.
- Hang
out with them once a week to start out with, preferably at lunch or in
school. Don't push it, and don't always talk to the friend about
"when should we hang out?". Then maybe escalate to two times a
week. Try to make it so that they ask to hang out with you more often than
you do ask to hang out with them. Look busy all the time.
- Do
not let them know you are too dependent on them. You don't have to reject
their invitations to hang out, but if you are busy tell them why and don't
- It's
always cool to smile. If you have braces, let your smile show! Many girls
have braces and its a great thing to talk about and to start a
conversation. Braces also show your personality, so smile! Some of the
most popular girls have had braces, the coolest friends, and the hottest
boyfriends all at the same time.
- Do
something hugely, phenomenally nice once in awhile. See, some people have
this warped idea that all popular girls are mean and selfish, just not to
their friends(not true!) so to change that, do the occasional good deed.
- Live
your life and have fun. It's usually when you stop caring what others
think and are just nice to everyone that the invites start rolling in.
- If
someone doesn't like you, get over it -- not everyone will. Still be
generally nice to them because they might come around and realize how much
fun you are.
- Do
what makes you feel comfortable. Smile when you mean it but if something
doesn't make you laugh, don't. It makes you look desperate and clingy.
People just don't like that no matter how popular they are.
- Develop
a skill. Be known as the super-talented artist or the star of the
volleyball team. It will make it cool to hang out with you.
- Avoid
staying home on a weekend: make sure you are out having fun with your
friends (or out doing fun stuff even alone). The more people see you, the
more they'll like you. Studies have shown that familiar faces are liked
more by people than ones they don't see often. Its still OK just to have
an easy weekend, but sitting in the corner every weekend won't make you
- If
somebody calls you weird, laugh it off and say "what can I say, I'm
just special like that! Gotta Love it." people will be amazed at your
confidence and how comfortable you are with yourself.
- Keep
up with the latest trends in entertainment -- this means listening to
popular songs and artists, as well as watching MTV. But make sure you
don't lose interest in your own hobbies--don't lose who you are! If you
don't like a song or group, don't pretend you do but don't be negative
about it. Remember, always be yourself in any situation. You also don't
have to like everything cool. Always be true to yourself and stick with
who you really are. It's OK to listen to some has-beens and 80's music.
And if the new music is against your morals (such as songs about sex)
don't dirty up your mind! Really- you can go against the flow.
- Join
some clubs without your friends. Sure it would be nice to do some
after-school activities with your closest BFFs, but how will you ever
associate and meet new people when you're always talking to your friend
about weekend plans?
- Use
your popularity to make a difference!
- Surround
yourself with as many people who like the same interests as you as you
can. It will help.
- Make
sure you always have a smile for everybody, and ignore people when they're
mean to you. Don't retort with a nasty comeback, you're just sinking to
their level.
- It's
all about taking care of yourself for you. I can't stress enough how you
need to be happy with yourself and just have
fun and enjoy life.
- Get
passionate! Find something that means a lot to you, and care about it.
Many popular girls lack a sense of perspective, which makes them seem
ditsy and shallow.
be nice and try not to gossip because it could lead to arguments with your
- Be
just a little bit mysterious. Don't tell your friends all of your secrets.
Develop a weird and obscure hobby. This will keep you from becoming
- Try
to shop at the brand name stores. People get first impressions from the
way you dress and act so you might as well start with the wardrobe.
Abercrombie and Fitch, Aeropostale, Hollister, Roxy, Old Navy and
designers are nice places to shop that way people will notice you. Of
course don't go spending all of your money on expensive clothes, just own
one or two items which make you feel super confident. If you're not sure
what clothes to buy read fashion magazines for hints and tips and take a
couple of friends along shopping with you for their approval.
- Along
with that, try if you can to go to vintage or thrift stores(or even the
fabric store if you know how to sew)to find unique pieces. They'll make
you stand out and show you have a creative mind.
- The
popular people are popular for two reasons: they hang out with each other
with self-confidence and make themselves popular. Also the boys like them.
So try to be confident and do things boys like. But
DON'T dress in really skimpy clothes or do anything stupid like that just
to impress boys.
- Whenever
you are having problems at home or with boys remember your new friends and
your old friends will be there for you and don't take it out on them.
- To
be truly popular, don't act like you know you're popular. Let your
reputation do that for you.
- Don't
think being physical solves anything. It just makes it worse.
- Try
hard at everything and NEVER let anybody see your insecurities. If
something goes wrong one day, don't make a big deal or they will see your
weak spot.
- When
you're around the "queen bee", don't be competitive. Be
friendly, and nice, and then they'll grow to like you and add you into the
- Do
whatever it takes to assure that you are happy with yourself!
- Positivity
attracts positivity!
- Don't
be obsessive over your new friends.... try not to follow them around, they
need their space and they may even get a little creeped out and that's not
- Change
something about you that everyone will notice.
- Remember
being popular isn't everything!
- Don't say anything behind someone's back that you wouldn't say to their face.The more nice things that you say about people and less nasty then nice things will be said about you and less nasty comments!!
- Don’t
drink or do drugs because you think it will make you popular. Drinking and
drugs can mess up your life! Do not let your friends pressure you
into taking drugs or drinking alcohol. Holding true to your beliefs and
values will get you more friends than any drugs will. You don't want to
look UGLY, do you? Plus if your friends tell you that doing
drugs makes you popular don't listen to them. You can still be popular
without doing those type of things.
- Being
popular shows if you have what it takes to appeal to everyone else in
society. But when society decides that you aren't cool anymore...then
what? Don't spend all these years of youth trying to be popular but making
a change in the world. Then, you can be truly proud of yourself not for
just a few years but for the rest of your life.
- Girls
do have a tendency to get jealous and may spread rumors about you as you
become more popular. Be prepared to deal with this in a calm and effective
way. Try to be nice to everyone and never give people a reason to make fun
of you. It ruins your rep!
- Don't
let your emotions get the best of you. If someone says something snotty to
you, just let it go; you'll be respected more.
- Remember,
the people you think are "cool" now may not be as cool in 5
years. Attitudes change, fashion changes, and people grow and learn. Don't
do something stupid that in 5 years you will regret. Don't do that!
- Don't
be a snob. Making fun of people and
spreading rumors just to fit in might get you popular, but with the wrong
- Be
prepared to get dropped. This is very common, especially with the most
popular girls. Just continue on and pretend that you don't care, even if
you do. You can't let it get you down. It happens to everybody, even
popular girls.
- If
these popular girls don't want to include you in their group, don't look
offended. Leave them alone if they don't treat you right, those girls
aren't worth your time. Make friends that like you for you.
- Don't
socialize with people who are rude to you, or "diss" you. This
could cause you to appear to be unappreciated, this is never good.
- Remember,
do not be friends with people who are mean to others, then others will assume
you are mean too, even if you are not, so go with your gut, if you know
the people you are hanging out with are up to no good, then do not hang
out with them! Don't give the wrong impression on people.
- Don`t
dump your old friends. You never know when you`ll need their shoulder to
cry on. Trust me, everyone needs one sometime.If there is nothing wrong
that they did to you,you shouldn't get rid of them.
- Being
popular can, and will, be a ton of pressure. It's up to the individual to
decide if it's really worth it. Don't let the pressure get to you. If it
does don't go to drugs for the answer. You can always drop out of your
position of being popular if you can't handle it.
- When
you are with your new group, they may be talking about someone or making a
joke about them. Don't join in or stare at the person and ESPECIALLY don't
laugh. This gives a really bad impression of you to other people. This
could really ruin your new popular reputation!
- Always
be true to your self and always keep believing in yourself, whether you
are popular or not!
- Be
sure to be nice to everyone so you are not thought of as a jerk. Popular
people don't want to hang out with someone who isn't nice.
- There
will be times of peer pressure to do something you don't want to. Stick to
what you think is right. Try to make the decision that will benefit you
the most.
- Never
try to make jokes that aren't funny. It might prove to people you aren't
ready to become popular. If you have a joke try it on your best popular
friend if it doesn't work keep it to yourself. Try to be funny while
avoiding embarrassment!
- Remember
to go for the real good guys when it comes to dating. Don't go for the
guys who would pursue you because of your pretty face but for guys that
would support you because they like who you are as a person.
- Don't
forget about your grades. Just because your popular doesn't mean that you
have to forget about school. You can still be popular even when you get
good grades. If you have to study for a huge test one night and friends
invite you to a party say that you can't go but their welcome to come over
for a study party or a sleepover.
- If
a "friend" from before doesn't like the popular you, try to be
friends with that person again if you think she'll be friends with you
- Popularity
is great, it's awesome to be liked, but don't let it go to your head, that
can ruin your rep and the way people perceive you.
- If
you let your obsession of popularity get in the way of your friendship
with other girls/boys, you will regret it!
- DO
NOT eat anything messy because it could spill on your clothes and make
your breath smell bad.
- Remember
that you always have to be kind to people and smile at them even if
they've done something to you, you have to be polite and then others will
do the same as you. Treat people how you want to be treated.
- Remember:
No one will accept you if you don't accept yourself first!
- And
remember, if you act like something you're not people will be able to tell
that you're being fake.
- When you do get popular it will be fun, but being popular is like a cycle and sometimes you are, and sometimes you aren't but it comes and goes. It's because people are like rubber bands. Sometimes they're close, then they stretch, but they always come back.[unless something happened to break the band.]
- Popularity is not everything, it is likely that you will find many people who will like you by you just be the person you are naturally without an act. In fact, you may find the situation where more people can do like you in this fashion, where you may not appear "shallow" - to be you you are is to be satisfied and confident.
EVER EVER act exactly like a mean popular girl on TV or in a movie. You'll
get no friends at all.
- Good hygiene- Brush your teeth,
shower daily, buy a nice subtle perfume or body spray, get a facial
cleanser based on your skin type. Basically take good care of yourself so
that you can be the best you you can be.
- Mascara- but don't use any
companies that test animals.
- Lip gloss- To prep for perfect
lips, I suggest using Vaseline before you go to sleep. Vaseline is the
wonder cosmetic!
- Blush/eyeshadow/foundation.
- Hairbrush/Comb/Bobby pins
-Depending on your hair type and length.
- A dazzling smile - if you have
crooked teeth or braces, who cares? Smile anyways!
- Wear clothes that are
comfortable and look good on you. It doesn't necessarily have to be what's
"IN" this season just whatever looks good on you and makes you
feel good about yourself!
- Neatly plucked eyebrows (When
people see you the first thing they notice about you should NOT be your
eyebrows! It should be your face as a whole. Buy a stenciling kit if
worried, and remember, over plucked puny eyebrows are a big turn off,
natural but neat eyebrows are far more framing.)
- Blow dryer if necessary.
- Confidence- Confidence
naturally attracts attention and support. In the animal kingdom the
Alpha-Female doesn't get to the to the top by submitting to the other
members of the clan! She makes herself stand out!
- Straighteners are great, they really enhance the quality of your hair!
- Half up half down.
- A messy bun with a skinny headband is very commonly use with the
popular clique.
- Plain ponytail.
- Tiara braid (very pretty).
- A positive attitude.
- A perfect walk. Do not walk around like you own the place.
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